Hoje venho escrever sobre algo muito importante nesta minha viagem de descoberta do Scrapbooking: A minha primeira visita à loja Lembranças Soltas onde fui participar num encontro de fim de tarde com o tema Scrapbooking Quick & Easy. A este seguiram-se outros eventos semelhantes durante mais alguns meses.
Esta forma de Scrapbooking pretende ser fácil de utilizar e consiste num arquivo das fotos em páginas com bolsos, Este sistema também é designado de Project Life e foi desenvolvido pela designer Becky Higgins.
Para exemplificar aquilo a que me refiro nada melhor do que apresentar aqui algumas das minhas primeiras páginas executadas sob esta forma e que se referem a uma viagem a Barcelona cujas fotos aguardavam atenção há mais de 4 anos.
Tenho de agradecer as dicas e os ensinamentos da Cláudia Vieira (Lembranças Soltas) cuja simpatia e entusiasmo marcaram de forma muito positiva o meu inicio nesta aventura do Scrapbooking.
Today I am writing about something very important in this Scrapbooking discovering Journey: My first visit to the store Lembranças Soltas where I went to participate in a meeting with the theme Scrapbooking Quick & Easy. Other similar events took place for several months.
This form of Scrapbooking is intended to be easy to use and pictures are inserted in pages with pockets. This system is also known as Project Life and was developed by the designer Becky Higgins.
To illustrate what I mean nothing better than to present here some of my first pages done in this form and that refers to a trip to Barcelona whose photos were awaiting attention for more than four years.
I have to thank the tips and teachings of Cláudia Vieira (Lembranças Soltas) whose sympathy and enthusiasm have been very positive in my start in this adventure of Scrapbooking.
This form of Scrapbooking is intended to be easy to use and pictures are inserted in pages with pockets. This system is also known as Project Life and was developed by the designer Becky Higgins.
To illustrate what I mean nothing better than to present here some of my first pages done in this form and that refers to a trip to Barcelona whose photos were awaiting attention for more than four years.
I have to thank the tips and teachings of Cláudia Vieira (Lembranças Soltas) whose sympathy and enthusiasm have been very positive in my start in this adventure of Scrapbooking.
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Adorei a disposição das fotos e as montagens. Podia explicar passo, a passo era interessante...beijinhos